Child Protection Against Abuse or Neglect

Child Protection Against Abuse or Neglect

The provisions of this policy shall be applied in all public schools, and in all private schools in Abu Dhabi.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all schools have student protection measures in place to:

  1. Protect them while in the school’s care from all acts and omissions constituting physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and exploitation, neglect, and bullying.
  2. Identify and support those students who may have suffered such abuse or neglect.
  3. Emphasize that all school staff are mandated reporters of cases of abuse and/or suspected abuse inside and outside the school.
  4. Define the duties and responsibilities of school principals and school staff for responding to suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect.


The school and the school principal are guardians of the right of students of not being exposed to abuse and neglect. The school principal agrees to act as the guardian of all students while they are under the school’s care and has to take responsibilities that fall under this role.

All students have equal rights for protection, safety and security in all public and private schools. Schools are fully responsible for the care and protection of students while students are in the school’s care, travelling to and from the school using school transport, and moving between, waiting for, and taking part in all activities organized by the school inside and outside the school.

Procedures for reporting abuse

  • It is mandated to report using the telephone hotline (116111). The information submitted electronically through the above-mentioned link is directly transferred to the Ministry of Interior – Child Protection Centre.
  • If the child is in immediate danger (risk of serious harm), you should contact the police immediately using the 999 service, followed by reporting the problem to the Ministry of the Interior - Child Protection Centre within an hour of its detection.
  • School staff must inform the school principal immediately when they suspect the exposure of any student to any form of abuse and/or neglect.